BACPR Travel Award

The purpose of the award is to provide a sum of money up to the value £3,000 to contribute towards the cost of travel and accommodation to attend an innovative course/conference or to visit a centre of special interest/expertise in order to develop the applicants’ knowledge in the field of cardiac rehabilitation.


1. BACPR offer a total of £3,000 in annual Travel Awards, with the intention of sponsoring two applicants to attend an innovative course/conference or to visit a centre of special interest/expertise in order to develop knowledge in the field of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation.

2. The total award available to a single applicant in a year is £1,500.

3. The Award will cover the reasonable costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence (food and non-alcoholic drinks) – receipts must be kept.

4. Applicants must have been a BACPR member for a minimum of two continuous years prior to submitting their application and be currently subscribed at the point of application. Council members may apply.

5. Repeat successful applicants must allow two full years between applications before reapplying.

6. The intended visit must be in the future and completed by End of July 2026. Please note retrospective travel will not be funded.

The Application

7. The closing date for applications is on Friday 27th June 2025, 5pm; applicants will be informed of the outcome within four weeks of that date. Applications should be submitted to

8. Applicants must provide a written statement (600 words maximum, written in English) and include:

  • Specific details of current area of work

  • Relevant qualifications.

  • Intended educational visit; geographical location, type of facility (e.g. conference/event/shadowing visit) and proposed date (s) of visit.

  • What the perceived benefits of the educational visit will be for both the individual/professional and the wider benefits for area of work/national CR agenda.

  • A breakdown of the intended budget; apportioning estimates of the costs.

9. The BACPR Travel Awards Coversheet and the applicant's CV (no more than two A4 sides) should also be submitted along with the details of any additional funding for this visit (either confirmed or pending) from other channels. Please click here to download the application form.

10. The successful applicant is required to write a report for the BACPR CONNECT magazine and website, and may be required to give a presentation on the outcomes/benefits of the visit at a BACPR Event.

11. Once the award has been granted, the amount cannot be changed under any circumstances. Payment will be made on the production of receipts after the trip has taken place.

For queries please contact

Previous Winners

INDIA:  Visit to the Cardiac Rehabilitation service in Mumbai

Nunzia Altieri, Highly Specialised Dietitian, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

USA: The Baylor, Scott & White Hospital, Dallas, Texas

Nikita Duong, Exercise Physiologist, Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital

USA: California State University San Marcos

Oliver Pinnell, Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Specialist, Peninsula Community Health

AUSTRALIA: Visits to Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes

Annie Holden, Executive Director, National Institute or Preventive Cardiology, Croi Heart & Stroke Centre

CANADA: Canadian Association of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation / High Intensity Interval Training

Richard Powell, Clinical Exercise Physiologist, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust

SOUTH AFRICA: Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme

Lindsay Smith, Exercise Physiologist, Royal London Hospital