Exercise Professionals Group (EPG)
An inter-professional forum for promoting excellence in the exercise component of cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation.
The BACPR Exercise Professionals Group (EPG) is collaboration between the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation (ACPICR) and the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Exercise Instructor Network. This collaborative body of exercise professionals share the common goal of ensuring that all client and patient groups, either with cardiovascular disease (CVD) or those at high risk of developing the disease, receive quality assured evidence-based services relating to physical activity and exercise.
To read the 2024 Memorandum of Collaboration, please click here.
To collaborate and develop education, training and research opportunities
To provide an annual spring study day to support sharing of practice, networking and continuing professional development.
To provide an advisory role to BACPR council on physical activity and exercise issues
To advise any professional group, charity or association on matters pertaining to patient/client guidance, professional practice, or research of physical activity and exercise in relation to CVD
To further seek and develop research that will strengthen the value and efficacy of physical activity and exercise as a key modality in the rehabilitation and disease prevention of individuals with CVD
The EPG is strongly committed to ensuring exercise professionals in cardiac rehabilitation and cardiovascular disease prevention are represented and supported in service provision and continuing professional development opportunities.
BACPR Advanced Exercise Professional Award
This award has been designed to quantify, qualify and unify qualifications and CPD from different exercise disciplines to enable individuals from those different disciplines to demonstrate that they fully meet the requirements of the BACPR EPG 2019 Position Statement. The award recognises that these individuals have advanced knowledge, skills and abilities in leading the clinically supervised exercise component of core cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Please click here to find out more information on how to apply.