Terms of use

Intellectual Property  

Terms of use
Intellectual Property

Permission for use

BACPR Copyright

BACPR regards all published material, which features its name, logo or are original resources distributed through its educational activities to be the intellectual property of the organisation and therefore subject to copyright restrictions.

BACPR is a membership organisation, operating as a Registered Charity (No. 1135639) and as such will not grant permission for use of its intellectual property for commercial or profit making enterprise.

Educational Use of BACPR Intellectual Property

The copying of BACPR Intellectual Property for educational purposes is permitted providing that; the use is solely to illustrate a point, it is not used for commercial purposes, it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement, and the use is ‘fair dealing’ e.g. limited use with no commercial gain.

Acknowledging BACPR

When using BACPR Intellectual Property either for educational purposes or with the permission of the organisation, you have a legal obligation to abide by the following terms of use:

  • Clear written/spoken acknowledgement that ‘BACPR’ is the author every time the material is featured

  • Clear written/spoken acknowledgement of the date that ‘BACPR’ have applied to the material every time it is featured

  • Full reference for the material available, which includes the name of the organisation in full ‘British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation’, the title of the resource/material and the organisation’s website: www.bacpr.org


To apply for permission to use BACPR Intellectual Property, please complete and return the BACPR Intellectual Property Form. Once you have been granted permission, we are always interested to hear how our Intellectual Property is used in promoting cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation and your updates are always welcome. You are obliged to notify the organisation each time you plan a new use for our Intellectual Property.

Please contact us with any queries and to clarify the details of our terms of use: bacpr@bcs.com /020 7380 1907